A Closer Look

Currently we have 223 profiles. You can also take a closer look at the larger trends in giving interests, geographic distribution, and industry focus among all the pledgers.

With 223 pledgers in 24 countries and more than $1 trillion in combined net worth, we're taking a closer look, following trends in giving interests, age and wealth distribution, geography, and industry.


Geographic Distribution

Around the World
Among the 223 Giving Pledge households profiled, 46 reside outside the United States with a combined net worth of more than $127 billion. The highest concentration of pledgers outside the U.S. is in the United Kingdom, where the 10 Giving Pledge households have a combined net worth of more than $20 billion. The 8 pledgers from India and the UAE have a combined net worth of more than $30 billion.

In the United States
More than half of the $861 billion in combined net worth of all pledgers in the United States is controlled by only 10 households. Of the 155 Giving Pledge households in the United States, 48 are in California, representing a combined net worth of more than $300 billion.

Giving Interests

While the interests of Giving Pledge participants in health, human services, education, and arts & culture mirror the findings of the Giving USA Annual Report on Philanthropy, pledgers also show an interest in a diverse range of other areas.

Age Distribution

With the passing of David Rockefeller in 2017, Australia's Leonard Ainsworth now claims the mantle as the oldest pledger (at 96) while Cari Tuna remains the youngest (at 33). The median age of pledgers is 68, with those age 65-79 representing nearly one of every two dollars in net worth.

Industry Focus

A deeper look at the industries represented by the Giving Pledge participants reveals strong showings from the financial and high-tech sectors, but also great diversity in the types of businesses participants pursued and the origins of their wealth. Outside the United States the mining and high-tech industries play a larger role as a source of wealth.