Dustin Moskovitz and Cari Tuna

  • Joined the Giving Pledge: 12/08/2010 - Read the Letter
  • Estimated Net Worth: $10.2 billion
  • Forbes Rank: #124
  • Industry: Internet consumer services
  • Born: Dustin Moskovitz - 1984
    Cari Tuna - 1986
  • Residence: San Francisco, CA

Dustin Moskovitz is a co-founder of the social networking website Facebook. In 2008, he left Facebook to co-found Asana, a Web 2.0 task-management application designed to improve workplace efficiency.

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Charitable Board Service

I'm grateful to my friends and family for shaping my understanding of effective philanthropy, educating me on areas of need, and demonstrating time and again the power of a good idea, well executed.

Dustin Moskovitz

Giving Interests

Economically disadvantaged; Venture philanthropy

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