
We are committed to keeping the tools and resources available on Glasspockets free and readily available to the social sector.

As a service of Foundation Center, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, we rely on the generous support of funders to keep producing the valuable resources you use everyday, like the more than 90 Glasspockets profiles and the interactive Transparency Trends tools, as well as curating content like Eye on the Giving Pledge and our #OpenForGood blog series. We are committed to connecting you with best practices and new ideas, and building an even stronger movement toward transparency.

Your contributions help to support our ongoing work and keep resources that we share free to the field. If Glasspockets has helped you, please consider making a financial contribution. We welcome the opportunity to apply for grants if our work fits your foundation's mission, and also graciously accept any donations through the link below (select "Glasspockets" when prompted).

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