Videos and Webinars

What Story Does your 990 Tell about your Foundation?

Making the Case for Transparency

Foundation leaders are weighing in on how Glasspockets has inspired their institutions to greater openness. Watch this video and learn how to put your foundation on the path to greater transparency.

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Build a Stronger Legacy Through Transparency

What happens when foundations trade isolation for communication? How can openness be a win-win strategy? What does transparency have to do with building a stronger legacy? Check out our video and get the answers in less than 100 seconds.

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What Story Does your 990 Tell about your Foundation?

IRS Forms are now open data. Anyone can collect, compare, correlate - and judge - your foundation's work faster than ever before - and all without your input.

This webinar gets right to the challenges and opportunities ahead, showing how the 990 can play an even greater more effective role in the brave new world of open data.

Your Foundation in the Age of Transparency and Big Data

Big Data is fundamentally changing the way we understand the world and make decisions. This webinar explores how grantmakers can use Big Data to inform their work.