Why Transparency?

The first foundation web site emerged on the scene in 1994, ushering in a new era in foundation transparency, as more information about foundations moved online. Today foundations are continuing to use technology to move toward openness by using YouTube, blogs, open data, and other social media to share their work. Foundations that are increasing their transparency do so for many reasons and cite many benefits. 

Making the Case for Transparency

Foundation leaders are weighing in on how Glasspockets has inspired their institutions to greater openness. Watch this video and learn how to put your foundation on the path to greater transparency.

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Build a Stronger Legacy Through Transparency

What happens when foundations trade isolation for communication? How can openness be a win-win strategy? What does transparency have to do with building a stronger legacy? Check out our video and get the answers in less than 100 seconds.

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How Will Your Foundation Benefit From Transparency?

Transparency is a catalyst for social change. Foundations with “glass pockets” are in a better position to increase their impact on specific issues and strengthen the field of philanthropy as a whole. Transparency:

Strength Icon
Strengthens credibility           
Icon - Public Trust
Increases public trust
Icon - Relationship
Improves grantee relationships
Icon - Efficiency
Reduces duplication of effort
Icon - Collaboration
Facilitates greater collaboration
Icon - Community
Builds a community of shared learning
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History of Transparency

The movement for foundation transparency is not new. It actually began back in the 1950s, during the period of McCarthyism, before the Foundation Center was founded. It was during this period that the words “glass pockets” were first used to describe a new vision for how foundations might open up their work to the world.

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