Eye on the Giving Pledge

Since 2010, 223 of the world's wealthiest individuals and families have joined the Giving Pledge, publicly declaring their intentions to commit the majority of their assets to philanthropic causes. Glasspockets is keeping an Eye on the Giving Pledge, providing an in-depth picture of the participants and their publicly-known charitable activities. You can also take a closer look at the larger trends in giving interests, geographic distribution, and industry focus among all the pledgers.

The Giving Pledge Profiles


With an estimated net worth of more than $1 trillion, the 223 Giving Pledge participants represent a potentially game-changing force in philanthropy.

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What We Are Learning

We’re following trends in giving interests, age and wealth distribution, geography, and industry among the pledgers.


201 participants in
24 countries with
$994 billion in net worth


A wide range of giving
interests and a
willingness to take risks


Pledgers range in age
from 32 to 95

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