About GlassPockets

GlassPockets is a Candid initiative that champions philanthropic transparency in an online world. Launched in 2010but with roots dating back to the organization’s founding in 1956, GlassPockets provides the data, resources, examples, and action steps foundations need to understand the value of transparency, be more open in their own communications, and help shed more light on how private organizations are serving the public good.

GlassPockets is working to:

  • Inspire private foundations to greater openness in their communications
  • Increase understanding of best practices in foundation transparency and accountability in an online world
  • Illustrate how institutional philanthropy is relevant to the critical issues of our time
  • Highlight the many stories of philanthropy that show how private wealth is serving the public good
  • Illuminate successes, failures, and ongoing experimentation so foundations can build on each other's ideas to increase impact

The GlassPockets Team

See Bio

Janet Camarena

Janet Camarena

Senior Director of Candid Learning

Janet Camarena


(415) 466-2917

Janet Camarena

Senior Director of Candid Learning

Janet Camarena serves as senior director of Candid Learning, working to champion greater foundation transparency. A key part of her role is to provide leadership for GlassPockets.org, which she helped to found and build in 2010. GlassPockets provides a variety of tools and features designed to encourage philanthropic openness. It has been recognized by the Webby Awards and was also selected as one of the Top 100 websites by PC Magazine. Janet also oversees and authors articles on the Glasspockets' Transparency Talk blog.

Prior to her current role, Janet served as director of Foundation Center's regional office in San Francisco for 15 years. She led a team of six professionals in delivering extensive outreach and capacity building services throughout the Western United States, planning and overseeing training for social sector audiences, carrying out donor development and cultivation, and producing live and online programming such as the popular Meet the Grantmakers and Philanthropy Chat podcast series.

Janet was among 48 nonprofit leaders selected for the American Express Nonprofit Leadership Academy. She completed her undergraduate work at Mills College and received a master's degree in library and information science from San Jose State University. She serves on the boards of the Alameda County Library Foundation and Community Initiatives, a fiscal sponsorship provider.

See Bio

Daniel X Matz

Daniel X Matz

Manager and Content Developer, GlassPockets

Daniel X Matz


(212) 807-3696

Daniel X Matz

Manager and Content Developer, GlassPockets

Daniel has been building websites for foundations and nonprofits for more than a decade. He is expert on the issue of foundation transparency, helping more than 250 foundation clients communicate openly and effectively with their wide-ranging audiences. An innovator in building intuitive and highly functional sites, his user experience-driven work can be seen in the design of websites for some of the nation’s largest foundations, as well as scores of smaller grantmakers.

Daniel created the original GlassPockets site in 2010, and today is lead content developer for an expanded site now considered the central source on best practices in foundation transparency. In 2014 GlassPockets was recognized as a Webby finalist, and among the top 100 nonprofit websites of the year. He is broadly responsible for site enhancement, overseeing the development of user-friendly tools and infographics. Daniel is also editor of the GlassPockets feature, Eye on the Giving Pledge.

Daniel is ABD in American History from the College of William & Mary, with a BA from SUNY Binghamton. He is an active contributor to Philanthropy News Digest’s Off the Shelf. Along the way he has been a fellow at the National Archives, a project manager on Madison Avenue, a producer of Off-Broadway theater, a communications director for a NYC Council campaign, a ditch digger, a bartender, and a solidly mediocre marathoner.

About Candid

Every year, millions of nonprofits spend trillions of dollars around the world. Candid finds out where that money comes from, where it goes, and why it matters. Through research, collaboration, and training, Candid connects people who want to change the world to the resources they need to do it. Candid’s data tools on nonprofits, foundations, and grants are the most comprehensive in the world. Foundation Center and GuideStar joined forces to become Candid, a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Find out more at candid.org  or call (212) 620-4230.

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