Yuri Milner

  • Joined the Giving Pledge: 12/10/2013 - Read the Letter
  • Estimated Net Worth: $2.8 billion
  • Forbes Rank: #612
  • Industry: Technology investing
  • Born: 1960
  • Residence: Moscow, Russia

Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Yuri Milner was a theoretical physicist at the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1990 he received an MBA at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, and went on work at the World Bank in Washington, DC monitoring the privatization of the Russian economy. Since the mid 1990s Milner has been an internet investor, capitalizing on the success of Mail.ru, one of Russia's largest internet and e-mail providers. Milner has since made major investments in companies including Facebook, Zynga, Twitter, Spotify, Groupon, and Alibaba.

In reality, we are at the beginning of human history, We are only now beginning to escape the confines of our nature — to out-think our pathogens, outsource our memories, open-source our brains and link the together. We have no idea where our ideas can take us. But to find out we must invest in them now.

Yuri Milner

Giving Interests

Medical Research; Health; Science, research

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