Hansjörg Wyss

  • Joined the Giving Pledge: 12/10/2013 - Read the Letter
  • Estimated Net Worth: $6.1 billion
  • Forbes Rank: #196
  • Industry: Medical device manufacturing
  • Born: 1935
  • Residence: Wilson, WY (native of Switzerland)

Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss-trained structural engineer, attended Harvard Business School and worked in a variety if industries before founding Synthes/USA, a division of Synthes, the Swiss medical device manufacturer. Wyss would go on to become Synthes chairman, CEO and largest shareholder before selling the firm to Johnson & Johnson for $20.2 billion in 2012.

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Online Communications

“President Thomas Jefferson reminds us: ‘There is a debt of service due from every man to his country proportioned to the bounties which nature and fortune have measured to him.’ I have been fortunate to benefit from the opportunities endowed by this nation, its land, and our world. I am determined to fill my duty to others so we may always expand the reach of human possibility and compassion.”

Hansjörg Wyss

Giving Interests

Education; Human Services; Medical Research; Switzerland; Biomedicine; Reproductive health; Higher education; Hospitals; Environment, land resources; Environment, natural resources; Foundations (private grantmaking); Germany; Family Planning

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